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Spring in my Step "Anois teacht an earraigh"


Updated: 4 days ago

A Spring Stroll in Courtown Woods

"Anois teacht an earraigh" – "Now with the coming of spring"; "Beidh an lá ag dul chun síneadh" – "The days will be getting longer."

We all learned this poem going to primary school, and its words are so nice. They are particularly relevant when we notice the extended light hours, or as some older people might say, "Isn't there a great stretch in the evenings?"

I had my first big spring walk in Courtown woods today. My walking partner and I strolled along the canal, having entered the woods at the Active Tribe entrance. This short walk here, with its new safety fence, was peace supreme. The sound of the rushing water had a calming effect, while the canal's waters reflected the early spring sunlight and the shadows of branches from overhanging trees were magical.

As we strolled along, on either side of the path we saw all the trees waking from their winter dormancy. There were hints of green everywhere, as if the forest was getting ready for St Patrick’s Day. The sycamores were showing off their lovely newly minted shapely leaves, while the horse chestnuts were still in their winter wear, dressed up in their early emerging buds. The air here, though chilly, was freshness supreme, while the birds too were performing their own birdie choral pieces. A little robin hopped along beside us to keep us company.

We continued along the river as we headed for the spike bridge. Along the way, I met three ladies who were picking wild garlic for salads and pesto. I noted the lovely clusters of white garlic flowers that glowed in the spring sunshine against a background of rich green leaves. I just had to dally a while here to inhale that unmistakable, refreshing, earthy garlic smell.

Now, the path narrowed as we approached the bridge, which we crossed. This historic bridge was closed for some reason recently. It is a well-constructed crossing with three concrete columns supporting two huge steel girders. As they say, you could drive a bus over it. Over the years, some of the timbers are fraying a bit and should be replaced. I am sure Coillte, with its vast supply of timber, could spare a few beams to replace those that need replacing.

We were now on the far side of the river and advanced up the hill as we headed towards the path alongside the Ballymoney road. We passed the beautiful Californian Redwood tree and dawdled a while to examine the surrounding terrain. To my untrained eye, it seems the area could be improved significantly with the strategic planting of some oak trees. Now, as we passed along, we noted a proliferation of sally trees. I know these support wildlife, but the area would be significantly enhanced as a forest if oaks were planted. We also noted some not-too-healthy woodbine trying valiantly to survive.

We walked along the path beside the road and crossed over the old Ballinatray Bridge with a lovely stream running underneath. My walking partner went straight ahead to pick up his car. I turned left, and the sound of the running water over the stones of the river welcomed me back to walk along the newly revamped paths. These level, well-drained paths make walking much easier and safer. Birds were darting about the trees and river, perching at times on protruding rocks rising above the water. The buds on the oak tree were awakening, while the canopy of laurels thickened the side of the riverbank.

I now returned to the spike bridge and headed back along the riverbank, climbing some challenging steps as I headed over to the viaduct and up the hill towards the Cross of Kilbride. Here is supreme wild garlic territory, the pervasive smell filling the air. Once I reached the peak of this territory, I passed the entrance to the car park and headed over level ground towards the Chestnut Walk and home.

It was lovely to see the chestnut buds ready to pop out of their skins to begin their work for another year. I passed the back of the seal sanctuary, where some earth-cleaning works were in progress.

Then I finally progressed onto the path for the car park and home. I had traversed 9,032 steps, and I felt truly invigorated after my two-hour-and-forty-minute exposure to the pure air and calming sounds experienced in the beautiful Courtown Woods. I felt alive. My pulse was racing to the pulse of another spring renewal season. This was a true mindfulness walk which I thoroughly enjoyed and which was so beneficial to my health and wellbeing.

Thanks to the ancient woods of Baile na Cúirte for a lovely experience. Buíochas ó chroí. Mick O Callaghan. 17/03/2025



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